
Tuesday 5 January 2021


On 23 December, the “Building Brains for Brighter Futures” project organized its Annual Workshop in Van Chan district, Yen Bai province. The participants included 62 delegates from the People’s Committee, Health Centers at district, commune levels, the Bureau of Education & Training and schools, and 27 caregivers from the five project communes.

Monday 21 December 2020

The campaign “Spreading Love - Education with Love”

In order to raise awareness on the elimination of physical and humiliating punishments against children, Save the Children, together with Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD) collaborate with Child Rights Governance Network and Department of Children Affairs, and many other government partners to organize the campaign “Spreading Love - Education with Love”.
Friday 11 December 2020

Safe water, property damage, and education interventions for vulnerable communities affected by severe floods in Central Vietnam

Since the beginning of October, the provinces in the central Vietnam have experienced several tropical storms followed by heavy rains that caused severe widespread flooding and landslides. The most seriously affected provinces are Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam. This series of disasters have damaged houses, schools, and crops.

Monday 7 December 2020

Severe floods affecting vulnerable households in Central Vietnam

We met Mrs. Gioi, 65 years old, at the head-office of Tan Ninh commune’s People's Committee where people were temporarily taking shelter due to the recent floods. Mrs. Gioi lives in the low-lying The Loc village, Tan Ninh commune, Quang Binh province. In this area, there are many places where the floodwater level remained over three meters high for more than seven days.
Monday 7 December 2020

Communications event on Disabilities and Inclusive Education in Lao Cai

What is disability?
