
Thursday 9 February 2017


Belonging to the 85% of Cotu poor households in Tay Giang District, Quang Nam province, Blup Thi Hum - 28 years old, lives with her husband and two children in Zo’ Ruot village, A Tieng Commune with main income source from agriculture. Briu Van Khuong is her second child. He was born at the 7th month, weighted 1,7 kg. As a result of premature birth, Khuong was dianogsed as a slow development child, especially in language and movement - this made Ms. Hum feel very sad and unconfident about her son going to pre-school.

Thursday 9 February 2017


Nằm trong nhóm 85% hộ dân nghèo đồng bào Cơ Tu ở huyện Tây Giang, tỉnh Quảng Nam, chị Blúp Thị Hum, 28 tuổi, hiện đang sinh sống cùng chồng và hai con tại thôn Zờ’ Rượt, xã A Tiêng, với nguồn thu nhập chính của gia đình là từ việc canh tác nương rẫy.

Monday 9 May 2016

Bulgari Celebrities Visit Vietnam’s Most Disadvantaged Children

Bulgari celebrities made a trip to a Save the Children’s program in Vietnam earlier this month, visiting some of the most disadvantaged children in the country, in an attempt to raise fund to help the organization’s cause of supporting children. 

Monday 1 February 2016

Su’s Story: My Joy as a Teacher for Hmong Children

When Vang A Su first tried applying the child-focused teaching method that encourages students’ active participation in class, it turned out to be harder than he had expected. His students, who were familiar with the traditional teacher-centered method, had little idea about group discussion or group work. They didn’t know what they were supposed to do while he found it hard to “activate” his students.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Joining 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winners for children’s healthy and educated development

Save the Children calls on national governments and international community to step up their efforts to support every girl and boy to an education and do everything they can to keep schools, teachers and pupils are safe from harm in crisis situations and other conflicts.

The children’s organisation brief statement was released in the light of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi who struggled against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.
