
Monday 23 December 2013

Improvement of malnutrition by vulnerable population in Viet Nam

Vi Thi Dong, a 16-month-old baby lives with her parents and older sister in the mountainous district of Thuong Xuan in Thanh Hoa province, home to many ethnic groups. For three years, her parents have been building a simple house for the family at the end of a small dirt road two kilometers from the health center. Traveling on this road is difficult when it rains.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Do small ethnic minority children enjoy boarding schools?

By To To Tam, Education Programme Officer

 Boarding schools can be useful for children who live far away from any schools, helping them to avoid walking long distances every day. However, for children as young as six or seven, it seemed cruel for them to be away from home for most of the week.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Save the Children supports Children Forum 2013

Save the Children has supported the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to organise the 2013 Children Forum in Hanoi on 8-9 August.
More than 170 children representatives for 26 million Vietnamese children across the country attended the two day forum which is to seek for the children recommendations for the revision of the law on child protection.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Children join in community’s climate change adaptation plan

This is the first time, Hong Thuy have attended to a workshop about climate change.

“I have learned the concepts of vulnerability, hazard and disaster,” said the 12- year-old girl.

Thuy is in the sixth grade class of Tan Phuoc Secondary School in Gia Thuan Commune in Go Cong Dong District of Tien Giang Province. Situated by the start of the Mekong River in Vietnam, the province experiences flooding almost every year. In Thuy’s opinion the floods are happening more regularly.

Monday 2 December 2013

Evaluating teachers through children learning activities

Evaluating teachers through children’s learning activities and their responses to lesson questions is a Save the Children’s initiative to improve the quality of education and to prevent the negative impact of teacher’s evaluation process in Vietnam.
