
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Towards quality early childhood education in Vietnam

Save the Children, together with UNICEF, World Bank and other international development agencies co-hosted a forum to discuss how to improve the quality of early childhood education (ECE) and to make policy recommendation to promote quality early childhood education in Vietnam.

More than 150 representatives from the Ministry of Education and Training, World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, Viet Nam Women’s Union, Plan Viet Nam, Save the Children, World Vision, VVOB and teachers from 30 provinces participated the forum.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Save the Children continues providing assistance to Wutip typhoon affected families in Quang Binh

More than 1600 Wutip typhoon affected families in Quang Binh Province will be provided with support on livelihoods and house repairs by Save the Children and Plan through an Euro- 700,000 project funded by European Commission.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Greatest Mother’s Day Gift

By Lim Lynette

As a child growing up, I remember my mother saving the best cuts at dinner for me, making sure my clothes were ironed, that I had books for school and saw a doctor every time I ran a temperature. At that tender age, I already knew that all a mother ever wants is for her children to be healthy, develop well and thrive when they grow up.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Vietnam ranked 93rd on the best places in the world to be a mother

Vietnam is ranked 93rd on Save the Children’s 2014 Mothers’ Index – an annual ranking of the best and worst places in the world to be a mother. Despite falling seven spots on the index, the country remains ahead of regional neighbours Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.  

Monday 28 April 2014

Save the Children project helps vulnerable children better prepare for disasters in Dong Thap and Tien Giang

More than 12,000 children in 24 primary schools in Dong Thap and Tien Giang were provided with trainings and life saving equipments to better prepare for disasters thank to a project by the Prudence Foundation and Save the Children from February 2013 to April 2014.
