
Friday 19 February 2016

Program Supports Thousands of Marginalized Vietnamese Children

Save the Children in Vietnam organized a workshop to review its project for migrant and other marginalized children in Ho Chi Minh City in late January to assess what has been done and the way forward. 

Monday 1 February 2016

IYCF Programme Leaves Sustained Impacts in Vietnam

A Save the Children notable programme in its 25 years of operation in Vietnam, the Infant and Young Child Feeding Programme (IYFC) has seen hundreds of consulting facilities that it helped build keep going even after the programme came to an end. It is also the first project in the country to be named Save the Children’s signature programme.

Monday 1 February 2016

Su’s Story: My Joy as a Teacher for Hmong Children

When Vang A Su first tried applying the child-focused teaching method that encourages students’ active participation in class, it turned out to be harder than he had expected. His students, who were familiar with the traditional teacher-centered method, had little idea about group discussion or group work. They didn’t know what they were supposed to do while he found it hard to “activate” his students.

Friday 22 January 2016

Save the Children in Vietnam Celebrates the Global Day of Action

Save the Children in Vietnam today celebrated the Global Day of Action as part of the organization's worldwide effort to move forward its strategy "Ambition for Children 2030."

We are working to support the world's most deprived and marginalized children. We help them Survive, Learn, and Be Protected. 

Thursday 17 December 2015

Vietnam’s IYCF Named Save the Children Signature Program

Save the Children has approved the Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) program in Vietnam as its latest signature program, the first time a project in the country to receive such recognition. 

At the December CEO meeting, participants approved the IYFC program. They will also consider the MaMoni integrated maternal, newborn, child health program in Bangladesh for approval as the next signature program.
