Flooded commune in Central Vietnam get supported with water filters funded by GSK via Save the Children

Monday 16 January 2017

Thao’s family is a typical farmer household in Central region Vietnam. They have three children, a small piece of land for paddy rice, some chickens and one cow. Although life was at times not easy especially when her youngest son, 18 months, has congenital heart disease, Thao and her husband Luan are working hard to earn their living and support their children.

The floods in October with unprecedented flood level have swept away the little means of income they have. Her house was flooded of 1.8 metres. Managing to evacuate their children, Thao and her husband stayed in the house, struggling to save the family’s assets. But the water level got higher and higher. Hiding in the attic, they survived from the flood but could not save anything except their cow, the most valuable asset of the family. After three days eating uncooked instant noodles and drinking rainwater, the water receded, Thao and her husband could get their children back and restore their life.

They received some food aid and cash (1 million VND) from charity organisations but still struggling to get clean water. The well was flooded and the water remained muddy. “This water filter will be very helpful for us, for now and also in future floods. This water filter is small and light and if we experience similar floods again, we can take it with us and filter the water to drink. We will not have to drink untreated rainwater or even flood water as we did last month”, Thao said when saying goodbye to us.   

Thao’s family is one of 500 households in four communes (Quang Minh, Quang Hai, Van Hoa, Chau Hoa) who were supported with water filters funded by GSK via SC. Around 1,433 people get benefit from the water filter distribution, of which about 55% female, 45 % male and 31% children. The project is expected to help people access clean water, especially in times of disasters.