CASE STORY: From shadows to sunshine – Pao’s path to promise

Monday 22 July 2024

In Vietnam, approximately 1.3 million children – accounting for nearly 5% of the total child population in the country - have a disability, according to Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs (2023). Children with disabilities (CwD) face a wide range of challenges which hinder their ability to access quality education, participate in social activities, receive adequate healthcare, and achieve their full potential to excel in life. Therefore, early screening, identification, and support are crucial to providing these children with the necessary resources and opportunities to overcome these barriers and thrive in their communities. 
In Lao Cai, a mountainous province in North Vietnam, Save the Children’s Child-centered Community Development Program began activities to support CwD in 2018, with sponsorship from the Tim & Saffron Foundation. After more than five years of implementation, the project has brought significant changes to the lives of 20 children with physical, intellectual, motor, visual, and hearing disabilities. The project emphasizes holistic and long-term development for children, focusing on high-quality healthcare and education, while providing support to both children and their families. 
Pao*, a little boy born in Lao Cai in 2017, is one of the beneficiaries of this program. Like many children with poverty backgrounds, his circumstances were very tragic since the day he came to this world. 

"On the day Pao was born, I can never forget the feeling of panic and fear when the doctor declared that Pao had spastic cerebral palsy, which had been brought on by premature birth and birth asphyxia. When my family learned that Pao's treatment included physical therapy, rehabilitation, and numerous other complicated procedures, we felt downhearted. I painfully kept wondering “What will Pao's future look like?” - emotionally shared by Pao’s mother.  
Save the Children and the Tim & Saffron Foundation provided him with support and long-term treatment at the Functional and Rehabilitation Hospital in Hanoi. From 2018 to 2022, Pao underwent persistent physical therapy for speech, fine motor, and gross motor skills. Pao’s parents also received special training from doctors to gain the knowledge and skills needed to help him practice at home. Save the Children staff conducted regular visits, encouraged the family, and proactively coordinated among related stakeholders for the treatment process. 

“After five years of persistent physical therapy for speech, fine motor, and gross motor therapy, my son can now crawl and stand up. I was overwhelmed with happiness when I saw my child talking, smiling, reading poetry, and singing. Every change, even the smallest, by Pao is a great source of motivation for my family.  Day-by-day progress is also Pao's effort for his innocent dreams. He wishes to go to school and play soccer. Pao has also dreamed of becoming a bus driver to take people to school and work.   
I know that it takes a lot of effort and time to accompany Pao to a brighter future. Perhaps that journey would not have begun without Save the Children and the Tim and Saffron Foundation. I truly have no idea how to express our sincere gratitude to you and Save the Children for silently supporting us in recent years” - Pao’s mother shared in her thankyou letter.  
Even though Save the Children's financial support for Pao ended last year, his parents now possess the knowledge and skills to continue supporting his journey. With significant physical and mental improvements, Pao is healthier, and his future is brighter than ever. He now has greater opportunities to realize his rights to education, development, and protection, paving the way for a promising future. 

*Name of the child has been changed for safeguarding purpose.