
Friday 19 September 2014

Reducing malnutrition, an imperative for ASEAN

Held every two years, the ASEAN Health Ministers meeting is an important opportunity to take stock on progress made across the region to improve the health of the 625 million people living in the ten Member States of this regional organisation.


Monday 15 September 2014

Poverty is not our choice

Le Thi De turned over a couple of fried cakes and swiftly served her long queue of customers. The 57-year-old woman who has been known for her delicious home-made traditional cakes said she was looking forward to opening her business in town for more income.

In the past years, she had undergone such a very difficult situation to survive and support her family.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Completed IKEA project improves ethnic minority children confidence in school

By Mau Lan Phuong, IKEA project officer – Save the Children in Vietnam

Early in the morning, a local teacher rode me through the mountainous path to reach Pa Nang primary school, which is 18 km distant from Dakrong district center, Quang Tri province, 600km from Hanoi capital city.

Monday 25 August 2014

Climate Change Risks and Resilience in Urban Children

Climate change is a key challenge facing children all over the world, making child rights difficult to enjoy by children and safeguard by adults, society and governments. Research now shows that climate change significantly impacts children’s right to life, survival and development. However, in the urban context, there is little research looking specifically at the vulnerabilities of children to climate change impacts.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Save the Children continues providing assistance to Wutip affected families in Quang Binh

In July and Aug 2014, Save the Children has been providing construction materials for 210 poor families who were severely affected by the Wutip typhoon last September in the central province of Quang Binh, Vietnam to help the affected people to repair and refurbished their houses.

 This activity is under shelter component of the project funded by ECHO which aims to provide adequate housing that are disaster resistant and culturally appropriate.
